In order to feel our best or heal from chronic pain or dis -ease, we must first discover the root cause of this problem. We in the west tend to lean towards rx to help us to feel better but this usually only masks the issue and does not resolve it or allow it to heal. Or we look towards counseling with a desperate attempt at an easy fix. Although these do have a place there cannot be release unless you tend to the issue of healing at the root. Yes, these modalities can offer some relief but will circle back to problem eventually. The long term usually doesn’t hold steady for you by seeking outside of yourself for resolution. No one has been in your body going through your life, perceiving with your brain, absorbing experiences into your energy field. So how could they possibly know the ultimate golden ticket for your healing. Simply, they cannot. There are many schools of thought around healing and I am not to negate other options. Although if you have tried other options and you still feel like crap, consider an energetic approach consisting of mindful awareness as to why you are suffering in the first place. The root cause can be very old and you may have buried this experience deep inside your body somewhere where it has festered over time and developed into a serious problem. This can show up as chronic pain, digestive issues, any kind of dis ease, cancer, anxiety, low self worth, self loathing, self inflicted damage, anger, violence, addiction, insanity, being confrontational, the list goes on. And these traumatic experiences more times than not reside and correlate to the energy centers traumatized from that experience. These messages in your unconscious mind reel and talk to you like your garbage. This needs to be resolve with bringing those messages to your conscious mind with love and making a choice to release them from your field, forever. Choose to have a freer mind, better energy and a more fulfilling future. I will give an example here. A woman named Sue came in see me for neck pain and a frozen should issue on her left side. She had trouble with decreased range of motion in both her neck and shoulder. Pain radiated down her left arm and her grip strength had decreased over time. She had tingling sensations and numbing in a few fingers. Now the way my mind works and the hits that came to me before knowing her past, came as theoretical scenario as to the “why.” She has issues with healing from a loss and her heart had walls around it. She had massive guilt around this loss, blaming herself for not doing enough before she lost this person. All heart chakra imbalance here. Her neck and her throat chakra energy off because She had so much to say to this person to heal herself but she didn’t speak up in time and now they are gone. She had no closure and the emotional body is holding her guilt, regret, rejection, lack of acceptance and pain of loss. As I asked more probing questions she was in fact blaming herself for not resolving pain with her mother before she passed over. She had been emotionally and physically abused and by her alcoholic mother and never felt loved or wanted. She had to put up walls around her heart to protect herself from the influx of daily abuse and neglect. She never resolved this with her mom and now carries it in her throat and heart chakra. These energy centers are on lock down so tightly that her tissues have clenched so tightly over time, she is numbed out. Her voice was not heard and the clench in her neck has caused major problems in her speaking her truth, needs and wants to anyone in her life. She has struggled with relationships of all kinds because of this guarding of her heart and lack of emotional availability or trust in others to hold her heart safely. Bringing this awareness to her and reflecting on the unconscious messaging in her head, has allowed her to let go of needing acceptance from her dead mother. With energy work we connected to her mother on Sue’s terms to do a bit of healing for her heart. It helped her so much to realize she is worthy of love and her mother’s pain is hers not Sue’s. She does not need to justify anything to her mother. She does need to understand her mother had pain as well, and she did not have the help she needed to resolve her past. To find forgiveness in that the best she can and understand the limiting beliefs her mother had about herself that lead to her drinking and loss of higher self. There is healing in forgiveness and empathy no matter how hard it is. When we can tap into our own energy and be with our selves long enough, answers will evolve and healing can occur. It has happened for me during multiple struggles with health and emotional pain and I have seen it in my clients and friends that have built resilience over huge loss and pain. Connecting to your energy can be a tool that sets you free from the bondage of self sabotage and not believing you have the ability to change. We can all change and heal and think differently in order to create a better life for ourselves. It is a matter of conscious effort and learning how to feel deeply into your own crap and choose to move beyond what hasn’t been working for years. It requires change, effort, patience and the belief that you deserve better. With everything you become good at, practice is required. When you learn to tap into your energy, and really asses your thoughts and how you present in the world, discomfort can show up. Perhaps you have low vibration and a crappy attitude that draws in more and more drama into your life. You wonder every day “ Why does bad shit keep happening?” Think about the environment you are in, the people in your life and the level of joy you feel on a day to day. Do you have people around you that are addicts, abusive, angry, violent? Do they have an attitude of “ the world is happening to me, not for me?” Who you surround your self with is a crucial part of your growth or lack there of. Surrounding your self with high vibrational happy successful people will pull you in the right direction. Everyone has energy and we are all empathic, surround yourself with the energy of who you want to be. Where is your energy? What thoughts repeat in your head daily? Are they self sabotaging or uplifting? Check in. Do you teel yourself you can change, you want more and you will find a way to get what you want to feel high vibrational all the time. This could require massive change for some of us but without change, everything that sucks for you stays the shame. Change can be rough, it can cause an upheaval in your life. But if you really want something else better for your short time on earth, you have to make a shift. Whether it be a new job, breaking up with an abuser, telling your father how you really feel, it all moves energy towards what is best for your healing and evolution. In order to feel your energy and evaluate which parts feel heavy, sluggish or overly active, we must sit in stillness and quiet and give ourselves a chance to feel. This may feel uncomfortable because your ability to really check in is new. This may come with many distractions. Meet all obstacles with love only love and come back to your internal space over and over. This is ritual not a one and done. It is a lifestyle shift to open you up to what needs shifting to feel whole and heal your crap. Like I said before, we are all energy, your mind and body will love this and you will get better with practice. Feel into your pain body. What hurts physically or emotionally, pick one problem per session and focus hard on the one issue until it clears for you. Understand that this may take many attempts on one single issue or location. The reason being is that your pain is complex. You have been stuffing for many many years and have built an entire identity around this trauma the serves to either protect you or give you excuses to not be more in the world. So this messaging that holds your pain can have many layers that do something for you that brings you pleasure. Whether that pleasure is to manipulate others or a scapegoat, either way, you have lived with it on a cellular level and it is working for you in some way. So in order to really let go of that blockage and the energy heal you, you need to go deep into what the subconscious is feeding you that keeps this pain alive in your emotional field. Thank on it while you’re alone, be honest with yourself and confront the control issue you’re having with your pain. So how the heck do you feel that? When you sit in stillness remember to focus on the mind being more quite so when the answers come, you can receive them. So I want to walk you through a short guided visualization to help get you to that higher level of self-awareness. So if you’re not in a spot where you can be still and focused, then do this part later. Get to a place where no one will bother you. Lay or sit, just be comfortable. Now what we are going to do is open the third eye and crown. Episode 2 of my podcast explains these Chakras in detail. But lets review anyway. The third eye between the brows spinning will help to tune you into your own mind and perhaps the noise up there as well. When we can really tap in here, doorways open for you to deepen your connection to infinite higher energy and connection. The Crown Chakra at the top of your head, is where we receive our answers to the questions asked. With these centers wide open and you in stillness, THIS is where we can get the answers to your pain. Like I said it may take a few times to receive. Kind of depends on how open you are to it. Visualize a sphere of lavender energy floating above your head. As you inhale, invite the light into the Crown and Third eye space. Like a gentle vacuum the inhale pulls the light in. As you exhale watch the lavender energy move from ear to ear. Watch and feel it fill up your head and calm the mind. Sit with this for long enough to feel vibration, connect to source and sp ace opening in those centers. Feel into your body all the way to your feet and invite that energy to flow into all parts of your body. This may take a while, don’t rush any of it or try to control the outcome. Just be with the energy flowing and get to know how it feels. When you’re feeling really good, connected, calm, grounded, focused and ready, ask. Pick your spot and ask for the story in the pain. Focus on the energy flowing through that part of you, picking up inflammation and emotions and exhaling right out of you. I f you need an exit point, visualize that energy exiting out the tips of your toes. Don’t ask for a solution, don’t beg for comfort. Just be and get to know this part of you on a more intimate level. In the third eye see the light. Internally ask “How can I best heal this part of me?” Then wait, stay open and quiet and wait to hear. This is a practice you will get very good at because you are energy. The more you learn and faster the answers come. The quicker you can drop in, and the more self-awareness around your sabotaging self talk you will become conscious of. Allowing you to shift your self talk and mind to a more peaceful productive energy, opening up flow for healing and spiritual awakening. Running in high vibration always will change your life for the better. Learning just this one technique will a liven you and empower you towards feeling better.
7/12/2022 0 Comments Why IS IT So Hard To Lose Weight?Why It's So Hard To Lose Weight, Hint It's Not Just About Food
No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to lose weight. Your doctor tells you that your cholesterol is too high and you need to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle. You read every diet book under the sun, but nothing seems to work as well as it did for your co-worker or friend who lost 30 pounds in two months! What's going on? Why does it seem like other people get results so much easier than you do? The Food Industry Knows What They Are Doing These chains manufacture high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt food items, and advertise them as good for you so that you will keep coming back. The result is their financial gain. They've perfected a recipe that both tastes good and is bad for you. It hits all the points that your brain craves in order to satisfy you. This creates an addiction of sorts to these foods. Now they're competing with companies like Optavia who are trying to make healthy food taste great! Overeating Can Feel Good - At Least Temporarily One of the reasons why diets are so difficult is because our brains react in a way that feels good when we overeat. Sugar and refined carbs release dopamine, which makes us feel happy. In other words: Our brains enjoy overeating! Over time, however, our body’s sensitivity to sugar decreases. This means that you need more sugar (and refined carbohydrates) for your brain to get enough dopamine from those foods. And as you might have guessed by now: The more sugar and refined carbohydrates you eat, the more you crave them - often leading to an unhealthy cycle of eating too much sugary junk food. If you want to avoid these cravings, try avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates altogether. It can be tough at first, but eventually your cravings will subside. How To Eat Healthier And Lose Weight If you want to drop pounds and feel better, start by eating healthy. When you’re trying to eat healthier and lose weight, one of your biggest challenges will be how many calories are in your meals. It’s tempting to simply cut back on fat or carbs when you want to drop a few pounds fast—but these measures won’t help you reach your goals if they don’t also reduce overall calories. So here’s what you need to know: To lose weight effectively, try adding more fiber-rich foods like beans and whole grains into your diet. Fiber is filling but low in calories, helping you control hunger while still losing weight. You can also make simple swaps that cut hundreds of calories from your daily intake without altering taste too much; for example, substitute hummus for butter or full-fat dressing for reduced-fat varieties at lunchtime. And keep an eye out for hidden sugar in foods and beverages; some drinks have as much sugar as candy bars! The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) per day for men. The easiest way to slash added sugars? Just choose water instead of sweetened drinks. In fact, researchers at Tufts University found that people who drank two cups of water before each meal lost nearly twice as much weight over 12 weeks compared with those who didn’t hydrate before mealtime. Why? Possibly because staying hydrated may boost metabolism: In one study, drinking two cups of water increased participants' metabolic rates by 30 percent. Drinking plenty of water also helps keep you feeling full between meals, which can help with weight loss efforts and prevent overeating later in the day. Want a great tip for getting more water in your diet? Contact me for a free health assessment and you’ll receive my number one tip for getting in more H2O! How Does Optavia Help You Lose Weight? Every time you consume Optavia it will let you know what is in your meal, what affects the ingredients will have on your body, and the caloric value of that item. By viewing a single product in Optavia, you can determine how healthy a particular meal would be if it included the contents of that product. For example, by looking at a package of Oreos in Optavia, you could tell that eating two packages would result in an extra 400 calories than if you had eaten only one package. This ability helps people make better decisions about their meals because they are aware of all factors involved when deciding what to eat. These factors include both nutritional value as well as calorie content. When using Optavia, users are able to balance nutritional needs with their daily calorie requirements. Since everyone has different goals, such as gaining muscle mass or losing fat, knowing how many calories you need each day is essential when trying to reach those goals. The best part about using Optavia is that it’s easy! Just scan any barcode and add items from your grocery list! It’s like having a nutritionist in your pocket! With Optavia, you’ll never have to guess whether or not something is good for you again. With just a few swipes of your phone screen, you can find out exactly what’s inside any food product! Plus, now that we've partnered with many popular brands and distributors around the world, our database continues to grow exponentially making it easier for users to access even more information about thousands of products around them every day. Whether you want to get fit or simply live healthier, there’s no better way to do it than by downloading Optavia today! Common Questions About Optavia How do I get started? What types of foods should I eat? How much exercise is necessary? How long will it take me to reach my goal? Can you guarantee success? Is Optavia really different from other diets and weight loss programs out there? Yes. It really is. The reason lies in how we set ourselves apart by focusing on your eating habits instead of what you eat. Get Started Today! Sometimes dieting is easier said than done. Your body has a natural defense mechanism against starvation that causes your body to want more energy than usual. A dulled sense of hunger leads you toward foods that are high in fat and sugar—foods that won’t help you reach your goals. So how do you kick-start a healthy diet without caving into every craving? Try this one simple step: create a support team. You might be surprised at how easy it is to stick with your plan when you have support from friends, family members, or even an Optavia Coach like me. Plus, having someone else counting on you can be a great source of motivation. Whether you choose an accountability partner or join an online forum for support, make sure that person knows what your goals are before starting out. If you don’t know where to start, I would love to help! Please contact me anytime! 5 Ways Your Life Experiences Affect Your Vibration
What we experience in life has a direct impact on our energy and vibration levels. The way we handle these experiences can either negatively or positively affect the vibes we’re putting out into the world — and it’s important to know how they do both in order to find balance. Here are five ways your life experiences affect your vibration and some tips on how to change them if you want to raise your energy levels and match that vibrant vibe with what you’re putting out into the world. 1) Honoring Your Life Experiences Because life is full of highs and lows, it’s important to give yourself time to reflect on each experience. When you honor your life experiences, you can more easily let go of things that are holding you back. Don’t run from your experiences—ask yourself how they’ve shaped you, and what lessons you can take away from them. The good news? This principle will help set your energy flow free. 2) Identifying The Energy Drainers It’s important to identify your energy drainers—events and situations that leave you feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and uninspired. This is usually more difficult than it sounds, but a good way to go about it is to make a mental list of negative things that happen during your week. Did you get stuck in traffic? Did an e-mail from your boss stress you out? Did someone cut ahead of you in line at Starbucks? All those small things add up over time when left ignored. After you identify what drains your energy, take steps to protect yourself from them; for example, if traffic stresses you out every day on your commute home, try leaving work early one day per week (assuming there aren’t meetings) or adjusting your schedule so you aren’t working during rush hour. The point here isn’t necessarily to do less, but rather to balance your life with positive experiences. As you begin placing more emphasis on doing stuff that makes you feel great—whether its visiting friends, taking a dance class, or hanging out with your kids—your life will start flowing in better directions without much effort on your part. 3) Meditation & Visualization When you are having a tough time, it can be difficult to see beyond your current experience. But by practicing visualization and meditation, you can start to shift your perspective. Visualize yourself in five years. Think about what you want out of life, out of your career, out of each relationship. Then visualize yourself achieving these goals—but only use positive language while visualizing. Rather than saying I hope I get that promotion at work say I am confident and deserving of that promotion. It might feel silly, but these mental exercises train your brain to think positively about what you want from life and help raise your vibration. Meditation is an easy practice that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. You don’t have to spend hours on end to reap benefits either—just try 10 minutes before bed or first thing in the morning. Start small with just 5-10 minutes per day until you get used to longer periods of focused breathing, calming music or simple guided meditations. 4) Pay Attention To What Brings You Joy Negative energy weighs you down. Positive energy lifts you up. While it’s certainly important to acknowledge negative experiences, it’s equally important to pay attention to what brings you joy. Notice and appreciate these happy moments—from a morning cup of coffee with a friend to singing in your car on your way home from work—by savoring them and feeling them in your body. What is causing you to vibrate higher? Take note of that and use it as an example when thinking about how you want to feel more often. And before you know it, more positive thoughts will lead to positive feelings which will lead to better choices which will lead to feeling better overall. It’s easier than you think! 5) Change The World The easiest way to change your vibration is to start taking small actions today. As you take these small, conscious steps to improve your energy, you’ll feel yourself vibrating at a higher frequency. And as that vibration strengthens, you’ll also notice it has a ripple effect on those around you. Start by committing just 10 minutes per day to perform an act of kindness for someone else. You’ll be amazed at how quickly that action will affect your energy flow! You Deserve Peace No matter what life experience you've been dealt, you deserve to feel peace. One way to manifest this is through meditation. While the word "meditation" can make some people cringe, a growing number of people are discovering the huge benefits, routine meditative practice can provide. They are finding that meditation helps them achieve an inner sense of peace and quiet that has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and many other problems so commonly seen today. If you'd like to tap into the benefits of meditation, get started with my course. Click the button to learn more. 2/14/2022 0 Comments Energy Healing For AnxietyYes, Energy Healing Can Help With Anxiety
High levels of anxiety can be crippling, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks and causing sufferers to want to avoid social situations altogether. If you’re among those who live with anxiety, you know how challenging it can be to lead a full life when you’re plagued by worry and unease. As an alternative medicine practice, energy healing can be used as a complement to traditional therapy in order to provide relief from the symptoms of anxiety and help you live your life to the fullest. In this article, we’ll explore energy healing as a means of easing anxiety and restoring peace of mind. How Does Energy Healing Work? Energy healers use their hands to manipulate your energy field to cleanse and restore balance in your chakras, but you can also use your own healing power through meditation and restore the flow of your energy. Chakras are believed to be part of our energy bodies and exist at points along our spine. Every person has seven chakras: crown of your head, the center of your head, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakra at the base of the spine. What Is Energy Healing? Energy healing is one of many different types of alternative treatments for physical and emotional ailments. When performing energy healing on yourself through meditation or while receiving energy work, people may experience a range of emotions and sensations. Energy healers believe that an imbalance in our body’s life force or vitality—called qi (pronounced chee)—can cause sickness and disease, which they address by redirecting our qi back to its natural flow and encouraging a state of relaxation. Opening Up Your Chakras for Peace and Positivity The goal of energy work is to open up our chakras for peace and positivity. It’s also a great option for those who suffer from emotional or psychological stressors as well. Healing therapies like Reiki and meditation can help alleviate anxiety and promote a more positive outlook on life. Discover Your Own Healing Energy with Meditation Meditation is one of those holistic practices that you hear about everywhere—but many people don’t know where to start. If you struggle with stress or anxiety in your daily life, consider adding meditation to your daily routine. The practice of taking time out of your day to focus on calming and centering yourself is a proven way to reduce stress and improve overall happiness levels. Meditation Healing Energy Course I made a meditation energy course to help people reduce their anxiety naturally and quickly. Included in it are: 6 meditation modules with guided visualizations. If you're dealing with high levels of anxiety and want to be free from it as soon as possible, then I think you'll enjoy my meditation course. Click below to check it out! 2/7/2022 0 Comments Trapped Emotions in the BodyTrapped Emotions in the Body If you’ve ever been in an emotionally charged situation, you know that emotions can feel just as real as physical sensations. When you get scared, your heart races and you sweat; when you get angry, your face turns red and you clench your fists. Emotions have long been theorized to hold the same power over the body as physical sensations do—especially for people who tend to stuff their feelings by holding them inside without releasing them. Trapped Emotions In the Feet The feet are responsible for carrying your entire body weight, which is why they can be more susceptible to trapped emotions than other areas of your body. For instance, having a long day at work might leave you feeling tired and frustrated. Instead of dealing with those feelings directly, you may choose to give yourself a foot massage—but by doing so, you might be unknowingly preventing your true emotions from surfacing. Just as it’s important to talk about these feelings, it’s also helpful to spend time addressing them through things like talking, writing, or drawing to communicate your frustration. Just make sure you don’t confine these activities to your computer screen! Whether it’s doodling on a scrap piece of paper or penning down some thoughts in a journal, try making time for these activities at least once every couple weeks and share them with a person you trust. When used regularly, these practices will help keep bottled-up emotions out of physical form! Trapped Emotions In The Arms The stress and tension of repressed emotions can often cause neck and back pain, as well as pain and numbness in our arms. Some aches and pains feel like they’re just there, or we see them as a natural part of getting older. What we don’t realize is that many aches and pains are actually trapped emotions manifesting themselves through physical pain. When we refuse to acknowledge how we really feel, it creates stress; when we ignore what feels important to us it creates fear; when we block out what could make us happy (what you really want), it leaves emptiness and desperation. Over time, these kinds of unresolved feelings become heavy, like boulders strapped to our shoulders. This stress can physically manifest itself into inflammation or arthritis in any area of your body—your body has to carry all those rocks around wherever you go! And if left unchecked, these feelings may even develop into more serious issues like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Trapped Emotions In The Muscle All of our feelings have a physical representation, and when we get overwhelmed by emotion—whether positive or negative—our muscles get tense. This increases muscle stress on our connective tissue (and our joints), which can cause them to inflame. When that happens, it’s like burning money; inflammation is an expensive process that puts your body at risk for things like poor circulation, diabetes, cancer, etc. But all hope is not lost! There are ways you can find relief from trapped emotions before they turn into disease. Solutions To Releasing Stuck Emotion In The Body Massage and yoga are excellent ways to release emotions. Oftentimes when people are confronted with stress or are working on something they get stuck. When I teach yoga, I recommend my students use certain postures that help them let go of their emotions. Also, it is important for people to slow down and enjoy their day-to-day activities because oftentimes they get into routines that require them to move at a fast pace which can cause them not to focus on what is going on around them. It’s good for people to stop every once in a while and take notice of how they feel emotionally. Yoga helps us feel our bodies because we are inside it all day long; just feeling where your body contacts things like chairs, couches etc., will allow you to observe your feelings better than if you weren’t doing these types of exercises. I Can Help If you're looking for help in releasing these stuck emotions, schedule a massage session with me and let me move stuck emotions, so that your energy can flow freely again. Click the button below and select a time that works best for you. High Vibrational Healing: How To Reset Your Nervous System
When it comes to physical health, there are three basic steps you can take to ensure you have the highest level of wellness possible. First, you’ll want to remove any negative habits that are hurting your body or harming your health. Second, you’ll want to implement positive habits that will create positive change in your body and mind. And third, practice meditation for vibrational healing. It helps reset your nervous system so you can be in tune with your higher self, set positive intentions, and manifest all of your heart’s desires into the physical world around you. Let’s go over each step in detail below! What Is Vibrational Healing? A vibrational healing session will create space to reset your nervous system. When we can move out of fight or flight and into rest and restore, we then can create and manifest health and happiness. Each person is different; some need more time in rest and restore while others feel heavy with physical symptoms that stay stuck in fight or flight. Both situations are opportunities for high vibrational healing because it allows space for our nervous systems to reset, bringing balance back into our bodies. High vibrational healing is a tool that allows us to do just that—reset our nervous systems so that peace becomes our natural state of being. What Can I Do to Heal Myself? Many of us, when we’re in pain, can feel disempowered and disconnected from ourselves and others. It’s easy to get caught up in reactive thoughts, feelings and behaviors that don’t really serve us. And when we’re caught up in these kinds of unhelpful states, we can feel that there is no way out or back to happiness and health. The good news? You are never separated from your innate healing abilities—and it doesn’t matter what condition you are in at any given time; you always have access to deep healing methods within you. In fact, all healing comes from a place of love and oneness, so if you begin with positivity and compassion toward yourself while accessing high vibrational energy levels, your nervous system will shift automatically toward a state of self-healing. This is not just an oversimplification but an actual process supported by proven techniques for physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Whether you know how to access this kind of inner healing process already or need help figuring it out, using its power could change your life forever. Where Can I Get Help? I'm happy to share, this is my specialty! High vibrational healing can help you reset your nervous system so that you can chill out, get enough shut-eye, discover your healing power, and get back to living. Here’s what you need to know about my highly effective meditation energy course. Six modules will teach you how to create a strong self awareness practice using guided meditations, journaling and plenty of one on one encouragement from me. There are no retreats to plan or miles to travel, everything is done in the comfort of your own home! Using high vibration meditation energy practices combined with focused intention, deep relaxation techniques and restorative sleep, we will work together, which allows for both individual guidance as well as an outlet for sharing in a safe space. No experience necessary! With each module, you will receive instructions, audio recordings of guided meditations, inspirational video lessons and downloads to keep building new habits - learn more by clicking the button below. I can't wait for you to discover your healing energy and restore your wellbeing. 1/24/2022 2 Comments How to find your spirit guideHow to Find Your Spirit Guide
Do you feel like you have an inner voice talking to you? This could be your spirit guide. Guidance from the cosmos can be hugely transitional and healing. Through my course we can find your spirit guides and build a relationship with them. If you have been having conversations with beings that don’t appear to be from this realm, this course will help you figure out if those beings are really spirit guides trying to guide you to your higher self or just your subconscious mind playing tricks on you. Either way, through the process of connecting with your spirit guides, you can tap into all kinds of wisdom and power that will help lead you on the journey of your life. What is a Spirit Guide Spirit guides are your guardian angels. They watch over you and help you make decisions in life. Spirit guides don’t necessarily communicate directly with us; instead, they often send signs that seem like coincidences or random thoughts. You may even meet a spirit guide by chance, or run into an old friend who gives you great advice—and chances are, it will be right for you at that time. Finding Your Spirit Guides There are several ways that you can go about finding your spirit guides, but one of my favorite ways is through meditation. During meditation, it’s not uncommon for spirits who will become your spirit guides to appear in your mind’s eye, not as hallucinations, but rather as symbolic representations of their essence. Some might appear as animals, some as mythological beings or angels, some as famous or historical people. Others may appear in dreams; there’s really no limit to how they make themselves known. Building A Relationship With Them In order to work with your spirit guides effectively, it’s important that you build a relationship with them. This can be achieved through my energy course where I provide guided meditation. During meditation your body goes into an Alpha state where many of us are able to communicate clearly with our guides. By looking at their energies and traits you begin to recognize them in daily life and can create a strong and lasting bond which will help you during difficult times and challenges in life. The more time and effort we put into building relationships with our spirit guides, we'll see how valuable they really are in times of confusion or trouble. You don't need any psychic abilities to find your spirit guides but it does help! Just by doing things like turning off all electronics, putting away technology i.e computers, ipads etc so no distractions occur and taking deep breaths before beginning your mediation process helps enormously as well as meditating regularly at different times of day throughout the week gives good results. Healing Energy Course Discover the benefits of meditation and how it can help achieve a state of consciousness that has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. My course will teach you how to meditate and you just might discover your spirit guide too! Let me be your guide on your journey to discovering your healing powers! Click the button below to learn more. 1/20/2022 1 Comment 7 Ways to Maintain a Healthy BodySeven Ways to Maintain a Healthy Body
Your car needs to be maintained so it can run smoothly, you take care of your home so it’s well-kept and won’t need expensive repairs, and you’re sure to keep your pets healthy so they remain happy and comfortable—but how often do you consider your own body? You may not think that maintenance is necessary for your body, but the truth is that the things you do daily can have an impact on its overall health and wellness. Here are seven ways to maintain a healthy body every day. 1) Rebalance Your Diet Our bodies need certain nutrients to function properly. Eating healthy foods is one of the most important things you can do for your body. If you’re not sure where to start, try starting with rebalancing your diet by implementing these nutrient-dense food items: whole grains, lean proteins, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that when it comes to eating well, less is more! You want to eat every 3 hours to feel satisfied and keep your metabolism up. This will help you control calorie intake while still getting all of the nutrients your body needs. 2) Exercise Daily Getting fit doesn’t have to be a major production. We all know that when it comes to getting healthy, exercise matters. But how much? And what kind? You might be surprised by how little it takes. Start by adding in short bursts of physical activity every day—walking stairs instead of taking an elevator, raking leaves instead of using a blower—and you’ll notice your energy level and mood improve almost immediately. 3) Get Enough Sleep A growing body of research suggests that getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night is good for you in many ways. Not only does it help your brain function properly, but insufficient sleep has been linked with heart disease, diabetes, and obesity—and can decrease immunity. So be sure you’re getting enough shut-eye every night. If you have trouble sleeping through the night, try not watching television or working on your computer right before bed. 4) Meditate Often Studies have shown that meditation is an effective tool for reducing stress and improving mental clarity. To keep your body fit, make time each day for at least five minutes of meditation. Focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose, keeping your mind clear of distracting thoughts. Meditation can be practiced anywhere at any time—try starting with one minute right before you begin preparing dinner each night, or as you lie down in bed at night. As you become more comfortable with it, work up to practicing meditation for longer periods of time (10 minutes per session is great!). If it feels awkward at first, know that many people find it helpful to listen to guided meditations; use them freely if they help ease your sense of discomfort. It’s important that we focus not only on what goes into our bodies but also how we nourish our minds and spirits. 5) Get Plenty of Sunlight Sunlight plays an essential role in our body’s natural vitamin D production. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, teeth, and overall immune system health. If you aren’t getting enough sunlight, consider investing in vitamins with vitamin D3. Not only will your body thank you, but your eyes will be healthier too! Some studies have found that people who take vitamin D supplements may lower their risk of developing cataracts later in life. 6) Listen To Your Intuition Many of us ignore our intuition, especially when it comes to making important decisions about our health. After all, who wants to ignore that nagging feeling that something just isn’t right? That’s why it’s so important to always listen—and act on—your gut instincts. If you feel like something just isn’t right, chances are it probably isn’t. Whenever possible, work with your intuition to guide you towards healthy choices. You may be able to fix an issue or discover information long before it turns into an actual problem—but only if you take action based on what your body is telling you. Pay attention and listen closely to what your body is trying to tell you. It can give you extremely valuable insight and advice. 7) Ask For Help I’m not trying to get all self-help on you here, but one of my keys to success is knowing that I can’t do it alone. It took me 20 years, but I finally learned how important it is not only to ask for help when I need it, but also give people help when they need it. We are happier when we are helping others. How do you make time in your life for giving back or for reaching out to those who've helped you? What small things could you do each day that would boost your mood and benefit someone else? These steps will keep us healthy inside and out. Book Your Next Massage In an age where we’re all so busy, and slaves to our phones and constantly checking our social media, a massage seems unnecessary. But at Om Shanti, we want you to remember what it feels like to be taken care of. Connect with me and book your next massage for an uplifting experience, which will help your overall wellbeing. What Happens to the Body When It Clenches Under Stress?
When you are stressed, you clench your muscles, whether it’s by tightening your shoulders when you are in an argument or clenching your fists during an anxiety attack. Clenching and unclenching the muscles of the body, especially in the neck and back areas, can lead to serious problems down the road, such as blocking your energy flow, increased inflammation, and fluid buildup. This eventually leads to decreased range of motion, stiffness, and pain. Why Do We Clench When We Are Stressed Out? Two common types of body tension are mental tension (which results from thoughts) and physical tension (which results from sensations within our muscles). Mental tension occurs when you think about something stressful or emotional; physical tension occurs when you are experiencing an actual physical sensation that causes worry or fear, such as pain or tightness. Most people will experience both kinds of tension at some point in their lives. There is no such thing as a bad kind of stress; they all play important roles in your life. However, some kinds of stress cause more long-term damage than others—and it’s easy to learn how not to let your chronic worries overtake your health and happiness! Read on for tips on managing and preventing chronic anxiety and stress. Simple Solutions to Unclench Naturally We all know that stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, but did you know it can also cause us to clench our fists and jaw involuntarily when we’re not even aware of it? Long-term body clenching is associated with a range of motion restrictions, stiffness, inflammation, pain, and decreased energy in your body. But here’s some good news: there are simple solutions for releasing your body from its clenched state! Here’s a handful of basic ones you can incorporate into your daily routine.
Focusing on yourself and your health makes you better equipped to handle stress. You'll also have a greater capacity to nourish those around you. Give yourself the gift of self-care by scheduling a massage session soon at Om Shanti Healing, you're worth it. 1/4/2022 0 Comments Meditation for feeling safeEmbrace Yourself & Let Your Past Go High Vibrational Healing for Feeling Safe Many people don’t feel safe in their own skin. They don’t know how to feel secure with who they are and what they do, either because of their physical body or because of their self-concept, beliefs, and fears. Fortunately, there are ways to use meditation and high vibrational healing to connect your physical body with your mind, allowing you to feel safe in your own skin without needing anyone else to validate you or make you feel whole. Learn more about feeling safe through meditation and high vibrational healing below. 1) Find Your Center When you sit down to meditate, it’s important to understand that your meditative state isn’t just about emptying your mind of thoughts—it’s also about finding your center. This is something you should always do before you begin a new meditation session or focus on a specific part of your body. I’ll often wake up in the morning, before I check my phone or start my daily tasks, to find my center. It allows me time to think clearly and feel relaxed while starting off my day. In essence, find your center means that you should acknowledge how you are feeling mentally and physically; it gives you time to gather yourself mentally so that when things get busy or chaotic (and they will) you still know who you are. Center yourself by focusing on your breath, slowly counting from 1 to 10 as you inhale and exhale. You can even place one hand over your heart and one over your stomach—or use both hands over your heart if you feel more comfortable doing so. Spend a few moments calming yourself until you feel ready to move forward into each day with strength and calmness. Use what works best for you until it becomes a routine that puts you at ease each morning. 2) Accept Yourself I’ve always been a firm believer in learning to accept yourself, flaws and all. The reality is that it’s hard to feel safe in your own skin if you don’t accept who you are or what you’ve done. It’s normal to dislike certain things about yourself—everyone has shortcomings—but try to focus on how far you’ve come instead of where you feel like you could be better. Accepting your strengths will lead to greater success than trying to fix perceived weaknesses. And once you’re comfortable with who you are, it becomes easier to forgive others. You can see beyond their faults and find common ground in which both parties feel safe enough to meet halfway. When two people are being truly authentic, there’s nothing they can say that won’t be accepted; when we feel emotionally safe with someone else, we let our guards down and become more vulnerable. If we can feel safe expressing who we really are and what we think, we stop judging those around us so harshly and start accepting them more easily. People can sense insincerity, so hiding behind masks never makes anyone feel 100 percent at ease with themselves or another person. Be true to yourself by accepting both your talents and quirks—it might take some time before you’re completely confident in these parts of yourself, but over time it gets easier. 3) Meditate On Acceptance Feeling safe can be an elusive state of mind. But meditation and self-acceptance go hand in hand: Through meditation, you learn to accept yourself unconditionally, no matter how you feel about yourself at any given moment. It doesn’t always come easily, but it’s worth it in order to be able to feel safe in your own skin. Use a mantra—like I am love or I am enough—to calm yourself when feelings of inadequacy start to creep in. Embrace your life as is, with all its ups and downs; everything will pass in time, including a less-than-stellar feeling toward yourself that may strike on occasion. 4) Spend Time Doing Things You Love This sounds self-explanatory, but we often find ourselves forgetting to take time out of our day for things that we enjoy. Whether it’s watching your favorite TV show, hanging out with friends or having a meal alone, don’t be afraid to take some time each day to do something you love. It will help you feel more at ease physically and mentally. Don’t forget: You deserve it! Are you ready to feel safe in your own skin? My guided meditation course has helped many people heal in ways they never thought possible. Click the course button below to learn more about discovering your healing energy. |
AuthorHi! My name is Jill Ufer; Massage Therapist, Health Coach, and Energy Worker. Welcome to my blog, I hope my website will be a resource for you, inspiring you to live your best life! Archives
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